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AQS Supports Teachers

AQS manages investments for insurance companies. We simply want to help classroom teachers by making the tools they need more accessible.

Like many, we’ve come to know lots of classroom teachers and noticed they have several things in common:


  • They are passionate about teaching.
  • They love their kids and put their heart into teaching.
  • They give up evenings and weekends doing their job
  • Their reward is a job well-done.
  • A little more financial support for their classroom would be welcome.

The Drawing

We want to help with the financial support!

  • We ask several questions in the below application.
  • We will ask the winner for a picture and a letter of reference from an administrator for validation
  • With this application, you are giving us permission to post your picture on this website and other social media channels.
  • Hit submit and recieve an acknowledgement.
  • We’ll announce the winner every month at the bottom of this web page.
  • The winner will receive a $500 Amazon gift card to be spent on your classroom, your group or your school – it’s up to you.
  • We will  keep applications until we end this program; however, if you would like to update and resubmit, we’ll take it.

The Complete Application button will take you to a new page. Complete the application, click submit. Good luck!

Please NOTE: After ‘SUBMIT’, you MAY get a Google verification at the TOP of the form. Scroll up to see it.

If you have difficulty with the Google Forms applcation, just contact us at

Please NOTE! Because some browsers “cache” or remember the pictures and text from the last time you visited, you may not see the most current winner. Be sure to “refresh” or “reload” your browser to see the most recent winners.

June Winner

Name: Elaine

School: Chicago Academy Elementary, Chicago, IL

Grade: 1

Why did you choose to begin teaching? I always loved working with kids. I babysat through college, my father was a teacher and principal who gave and earned respect. I wanted to follow his footsteps, helping students learn academically and socially while respecting their background and their needs.

Finest Teaching Moment. My finest teaching moment isn’t one that revealed itself in the moment but years later. I received a letter from a former student during teacher appreciation from a student I had taught 8+ years prior. That letter hangs by my desk to remind me that my work is about giving them a solid start in life.

Greatest Challenge. Helping students with their emotions. Students who struggle to respond appropriately in difficult situations cannot focus well enough during class to learn effectively. More often, social skills need to be taught in school in order to have students in the right frame of mind to learn.

May Winner

Name: Angela

School: Ringgold Elementary South, Monongahela, PA

Grade: Special Education

Why did you choose to begin teaching?  From an early age, I have found myself working with children. I knew I had the passion and desire to watch them become successful students.

Finest Teaching Moment.  To bring structure and routine to our Autistic Support classroom – to be a constant for my students.

Greatest Challenge.  To research and dig deeper to meet the needs of all my students whether academically or behaviorally. 

April Winner

Name: Gail

School: Manual Career Tech Center, Kansas City, Kansas

Grade: 6, 7 and 8

Why did you choose to begin teaching?I was the oldest of seven children, so in some ways I’ve been a teacher all my life.

Finest Teaching Moment. Every day is a new day. It’s always rewarding when kids are proud of what they’ve accomplished.

Greatest Challenge. There are too many to name. I find it better to focus on what is working and build from there.

March Winner

Name: Erin

School: St. Anthony of Padua, Lorain, Ohio

Grade: PreK – 8th grade (art and music)

Why did you choose to begin teaching? I chose to teach art and music because I have a passion for both and love to share it with students.

Finest Teaching Moment. Producing on a very successful Christmas concert in my first year of teaching.

Greatest Challenge. Teaching music in middle school. Understanding how to teach the curriculum in order to get them excited about it.

February Winner

Name: Amber

School: Rogers Elementary, Rogers, Texas

Grade: 5 (reading)

Why did you choose to begin teaching? I love bringing fun to learning, but most importantly I want to make a difference in my students’ lives.

Finest Teaching Moment. When any student that struggles with reading finally finds reading enjoyable; they are excited to tell me about books or I see them reading in their spare time.

Greatest Challenge. Time! Time to prepare lessons, grade papers and everything else that needs to be done to make my best effort

Name: July Winner

School: Your School Name, City, State

Grade: 8

Why did you choose to begin teaching? I was blessed with great teachers as a student and I love science!

Finest Teaching Moment. When I see that a former student has chosen a field in science.

Greatest Challenge. Creating the desire to learn a difficult concept.